Cycles back on track. PCOS

My cycles are back in track. I used to get 2 or 3 periods a year if that. Now that my cycles are back in track, is it possible to get pregnant?? I really lost hope here. I have done 4 <a href="">IUI</a>’s. So I decided to take a break before doing <a href="">IVF</a>. I started going for walks, eating semi better and I’m taking myo-inositol every single day. I ‘ve gotten my cycle EVERY month for the past 7 months!! Crazy to me!! But is ovulation even happening? I need advice or help on what else to do to promote ovulation. Should i do ovulation strips?? I heard they don’t really work for pcos. I was also put on progesterone when doing <a href="">iui</a> so im not sure how to do progesterone naturally?