How should I deal with this?


My husband and I have been married for 2 years and together for 4.5. When we first got together we talked about having 2-3 kids as our plan. After our daughter (3.5) I went through a bad depression and my husband now doesn't want any more children even though I desperately want 1 more. He says he can't handle depressed me again. I tried to explain to him that if we really can't come to an agreement that maybe its better to separate because neither of us is willing to budge. I feel lied to, if I was told I would only have 1 child with him I never would have continued the relationship because I've always wanted to be a mom and I'm a great mom. I have my days because I feel underaprriciated and like I don't get enough help. I stay home mon-thursday and only work Friday, Saturday, Sunday. But because he works 5 days a week I get stuck doing everything and it's like having 2 full time jobs. He says I'm trying to force him into having another baby because I'm "threatening divorce" when actually I feel like im calmly laying out our options