Faint Lines??


Okay ladies I need help, I had a miscarriage in March this year and about a month later everything had passed naturally and my HCG levels went back down to normal. In April I had bled for about 7 days 18th-22nd (miscarrying) and I tracked ovulation after and I got a small peak of .96 on the 9th of May. Last month (May) I had period on the 23rd-27th and I had a peak of 1.38 on June 7th. The past 2 nights when I try falling asleep I get dizzy, super nauseous, and my heart starts beating really fast so I decided to take a pregnancy test today 🤦🏻‍♀️ (even though i would technically only be 3-4 dpo?) BUT…I’ve gotten 3 faint positives?! 2 on easy at home tests and 1 on a first response I took the easy at home around 4:30-5pm today and the first response around 9pm. Any thoughts??? 🤔