Pumping and baby with milk protein allergy! Just a question I had..


So we have been having issues that we thought was acid reflux with our 6 week old little girl every time she ate. Well since 3 am it was BAD. She would scream and cry the entire time eating, miserable after, finally would settle down right before her next feeding… vicious cycle. We talked and decided to research some of her symptoms. First thing to pop up was milk protein allergy or intolerance. Suddenly it all clicked for us.. like how in the world did we not think of this?! So we decided to try soy. She’s literally only had ONE bottle and she’s SO content. She didn’t cry at all eating, ate very well and she’s sleeping so much better than she has in awhile. So we are probably going to stick to soy.

So then we got to thinking… crap. Breastmilk. My supply sucks so I pump for her and just have her latch when I can, but I have a LOT of dairy in my diet. Some dairy things really help my endometriosis and also help my constant constipation issues I’ve always had. So it’s not as simple for me as just cutting it out. I also cannot have soy because it causes endometriosis flare ups for me.

I still want to keep pumping, even if I’m not feeding it to her.

So SUPER dumb question.. can I use the breastmilk for anything for her without it affecting her negatively with the dairy? It was really helping her baby acne and eczema and also is the only thing we use on diaper rash now.

If not, what do I do with the milk that I pump? I don’t want to toss it all, it’s been a long 6 weeks of stress with supply issues (I only get 5-10 ml a time) so if I can’t somehow use it for her, what can I use it for or what do I do with it?