advice on how to get more !


hi! i'm 4 weeks post op exactly today. i'm exclusively pumping using my lansinoh smart pump 2.0. i pump 8-10 times a day including at least one (sometimes 2) sessions at night. i pump for at least 20 minutes but sometimes do 30 minutes if the milk is still dripping. i'm using 30mm flanges as that's what i was instructed from the hospital nurses. i also tried 27mm flanges as well as silicone flanges from pumpin' pals. i get roughly 120-140mL average around my 8/9 am pump then after that, roughly 70-80mL for the rest of the day, sometimes only 60mL. my baby eats around 90-120 mL per feeding so sometimes i'm not making enough for her. i'm making sure i eat and drink but still no increase. also tried massaging my breasts as well. i just wanna make sure i can store some milk as well. any advice or tips would be so beyond appreciated!