Pregnant or Period

Okay so I had a DNC on 5/19 I had sex the day before 5/18 no biggie right? Ok so fast forward I have sex 5/31 and think nothing of it. They said to wait 2 weeks which we did. I assumed he pulled out since I expressed to him I was nowhere ready to be pregnant again (mentally). So I continue to have sex.. yes yes I know stupid of me. Kp rude comments to yourself!

Now I am having the brown/pinkish discharge. It started 6/6 very close to implantation bleeding in my personal opinion. I’ve included photos of my own and then an example. The discharge stopped on Sunday.

This was taken Saturday..

Later in the evening discharge is very similar to the example photos but I didn’t have the day 1 until I came to the end which lasted a few days. I go to my OBGYN on Wednesday

My sister mentioned to me she thinks I am because I’ve been extremely moody and emotional. My question is it possible to be pregnant this soon? Or maybe I’m just releasing old blood..