Can't believe I'm finally doing it!!

I have forever dreamed about having a little online buisness, run social media, my own website, be my own boss. I'm a stay at home of 2 and been a student for years through an online college.

It started with me lying in bed last night and couldn't sleep with the tons of ideas running through my mind, I had this urge to just go for it, so today that's what I did.

I ran to the shop with my kids, bought a pretty project planner, made a to-do list. So far I've bought a domain and made a buisness email, searched and read how various websites worked together and opened an Instagram account to promote my website.

I have started designing my website but I still have so much to do, it's a work in progress and it will take a while but I'M DOING IT!!

I'm so excited 🥰