Grocery shopping


How much do you spend on groceries for a month? Do you go once a month or twice in a month? Where do you buy your groceries? And how many people are in your house?

I am only curious because I only go grocery shopping once a month. I do that because I coupon and it gives me enough time to cut them out and organize them and just buy everything at once rather than go every time I find a new coupon I can use and go buy it. This month I was slacking on coupons because I just had babies and they are in the nicu so I didn’t have time.

When I do coupon and shop I only spend at most $100, that’s for everything for the month! We are now a family of 16 (so I’m still only shopping for a family of 13 because numbers 14,15, and 16 are still in the nicu) and as you can imagine that’s a lot of groceries. This month I spent $581 at the store (Walmart) because I didn’t have my coupons. I usually would spend more than this though, I just knew I would already be pushing the limit.