Long distance relationship?

I met this guy this past summer while on a missions trip to Kenya. Of course my main focus was being a blessing and helping the kids that were there and such but for example once the day was over and night fell we would talk both one on one and within our little group of volunteers who were on this missions trip with us. Anyways. We really hit it off and got along so well.

Since being back home we text constantly, send postcards and such even Skype twice a month on our one Saturday off. I like the guy he's a great guy. I'm just worried of pursuing anything serious because I live in North America and he lives in the UK. It's one of those things where I feel like I've know him my whole life. We get along so well. Should I pursue it? Or leave it. (Yes we are both single and relatively close in age. I'm 19 he's 22)