Please help.


When i was younger, i had an “average” period flow accompanied by debilitating cramps. I was very shortly on the patch in hopes of fixing this- it altered my period and now my period has a very heavy flow (using up multiple ultra tampons in a day). I dont get many pms symptoms other than moodiness and tender breasts. Usually it lasts about six days.

On April 30th, i had unprotected sex with my boyfriend. I took plan b. I ended up getting a bunch of weird symptoms during pms- nausea, lack of appetite, extreme fatigue, etc. I also spotted on the 14th. I had my period from May 17th to the 22nd. This period flow was very very light- practically spotting every day, sometimes even on and off. Took two pregnancy tests on the 23rd and the 24th and of course they were negative.

Now, im panicked again. Yeah i know how stupid i am that i had any form of unprotected sex after that, im very aware.

Im having the same symptoms, although they are lighter- nausea, lack of appetite, fatigue, tender breasts (slowly getting less sensitive) etc. I dont think i have noticed any change in my breasts. I spotted on the 12th and 13th, but it didnt worry me because I had spotted three days before my period the previous month. <a href="">Eve</a> predicted my period to start on the 15th, and I really hope it did. I had light bleeding again, with at least one very large clot and a few smaller ones. It paused for a bit but then began again later that day (around 9pm to 11pm). However, today, i have very very little to no blood. Ive seen some light pink spotting but really nothing more. Safe to say im panicked.

I have taken two pregnancy tests- one yesterday and one today. Neither of them turned up lines i thought i could see. I only got a picture of today’s test.

If this is very messy, I greatly apologize. Can someone please tell me im just losing my mind and/or plan b just has me very very messed up? Picture was taken about 2/3minutes after 3min wait period.

update: definitely my period now. Today (18th) i woke up to something pretty close to my “normal” heavy flow :)

boyfriend and I both agree that plan b is hell lol.