Potty training


Ok, so we were doing really great before grants sister arrived in December and then he completely regressed and wanted nothing to do with it. Ok whatever.

Well last week he woke up and said he wanted to pee on the potty so we went for it, put the underwear on and had a great day. One accident in the evening when he started getting tired. The next day he pooped in his underwear. Ok no biggie that was the only accident again. Well this entire week he no longer wants to poop on the potty only underwear. He has pooped (sometimes multiple times) in underwear and smiles and comes running to tell me. We have talked about it after the fact I’ve told him he could get a new toy if he starts pooping in the potty etc. at this point he is completely potty trained for pee but it’s almost like he wants to go #2 in his underwear. We just got done going to the potty and 5 minutes later he comes running telling me he pooped. I am an my wits end. I’m so mad and trying to stay calm and not let it get a rise out of me because I feel like he likes the attention but good god. At this point I’m just throwing the underwear away because he doesn’t even care if he’s sitting and smashing it all into them and I cannot clean one more pair.


I’m so afraid to do the naked method because I think he would just poop in a corner and probably step all in it or my crazy dog would eat it and I just can’t 🤣