Rant Below

So my fiancé and I have been trying for 9 months. I know that's not long compared to some, but it's still frustrating. Well, a couple friends needed help and as much as it upsets me I knew we had to help them. (I'm changing their names) Jon and Kay could no longer support their is growing family. Kay is 30 weeks pregnant. Complete accident. Neither of them have a job, and they couldn't pay rent or feed themselves other than the food they get with WIC. Being the people we are my fiancé and I let them move in. It hurts so much to see her though...I own a house, two cars (one is paid off the other is brand new), my fiancé makes enough for me to stay home...but yet they get a baby and we are struggling. I know it's selfish...but I knew you guys would understand. I have endometriosis and PCOS. I'm having a laparoscopy in January and I'm starting fertility treatments in June. I'm just frustrated...thanks for letting me vent. ❤️ Love you guys. Baby dust to all 💦