Sexless & pregnant :(

Ariel • BFP on 8/4/14 had a beautiful babygirl 3/8/15
So my husband and I have been together for 3 years. We have a 9 month old and found out we are expecting. We've sex twice in 2 months. When I was pregnant for my little one I was always wanting sex and now I've started wanting it again all the time. I'm a SAHM so I get he's tried when he comes home from work. But even when he has two days off in a row nothing happens even if I try. I even bought a cute little outfit tonight and he just wanted to cuddle. He talks about it through text saying he wants too and will say he wants it tonight but when it comes time to do it. He doesn't want to or is tired! Advice? Has anyone gone through this? Help me before I go crazy!