7 week pregnant no symptom


I had an ultrasound at 5 week 5 day and we got to see sac and yolk, no fetal no heartbeat but it’s ok. Today I am 7 weeks and I have no symptoms since my first ultrasound. I had 3 miscarriages before so every time my symptoms stop I get worried.

No nausea

No morning sickness

No cramping

No fatigue

No bloating

No increase in breast size

Only symptom I have is breast pain and I know it’s because I am taking progesterone injections.

I am so worried I am going to loose this pregnancy. This was our last embryo and I am 36 right now. My chances of having a healthy pregnancy seems like a dream now.

My next ultrasound is this week so I am just preparing my husband for the worst.

It’s not fair. Every morning I get up I try to feel any kind of symptom. It’s getting sadder.