This is dangerous for Nov

Live currently in the hellhole of Texas until we can move but seen what the TX gop did the weekend and it is worrisome. They are setting everything up to be if Texas goes blue come November to state it is all fake and election fraud. Which as a lot of Texans are pissed the fuck off with our leaders stemming from power grid issues, to the trucking stunt at the border to the abortion ban, and of course Uvlade, could very well go blue. This isn't about the last election and most of us know it but the fact they re setting the ground work to hold the state hostage politically incase it goes not their way is scary. The only issue in Texas for voting is gerrymandering and making it harder for primarily left leaning areas to vote. Voters fraud against the Republicans is almost non existent but if we go blue this is gonna become a circus show. We are here through 2023 at least until my husband is eligable for transfwr off this military base but he is angry too. He has been in the military for 5 yrs now and he signed up to defend our county and the freedoms we have here, a main one is voting. He is very vocal about he didn't sign up to support anything that happened on Jan 6th, he didn't sign up to protect old white men with attacking the cornerstone of democracy which is voting, and he didn't sign up to not voice his views when things are going downhill. I wish at times he voiced it quieter as I worry for his safety at times in Texas with his views but thankfully he is a big dude lol. Someone has to win and someone has to lose...the now trend of if red wins it means all is well but if blue wins it means fraud and cheating needs to stop. Gonna be a little scared during Nov election results honestly. It was bad after 2020 and that night my house got vandalized as we are the known democrats here, I don't think it has gotten any better.