39+3 Induction 💙

Charisse • 28,Married 👦🏾👼🏽👼🏽👼🏽👼🏽👼🏽👼🏽👼🏽👦🏽👼🏽👼🏽🤰🏽💗🌈

I’ll be 39+4 tomorrow and I have a scheduled induction for 5am tomorrow…I’m so nervous what should I expect with a Pitocin induction, this is my rainbow baby after 7 second trimester losses from 12w-22w I have one living 10yo boy which was my first I had him at 39+3 but my water broke at home with him. Just need a little peace of mind from women who’ve had a Pitocin induction. Thanks in advance🙂