Anyone else here with a PhD? Do you use the Dr title?

I finished my PhD five years ago, but I remained in academia and always used the Dr. title before my name in my email signature and on any business related communications. I never changed my bankcard, passport or driving license and only used it at work…. In work - I never expected anyone to actually call me Dr, it’s more for credibility in comms with external people etc…. Anyway, in the last six months I have moved to an industry based job, in a different field of research, but I continue to use the title Dr in my email signature, but no where else, I have noticed that other people with PhDs in this company have put (PhD) at the end of there name instead….

My question is - is using a Dr title not the done thing outside of academia? I never highlight it and I’m not abnoxious about it (I’m a mum of 2 working part time !)… someone who has no higher academic qualifications but has the same job title as me has past a passive aggressive comment in a team meeting today about people using Dr titles…. it felt directed at me, but and it’s made me feel rubbish. I didn’t work 4 years in an incredibly difficult financial and psychological era of my life to only feel rubbish for putting a title on my name as this person insinuated…. Regardless of how she made me feel - Should I be using the qualification PhD after my name instead of the title Dr?

What do others do? Advice and other experiences of using a Dr title or not is appreciated?