Mean kids on the playground

Shelly • Mama to 👦🏼 Jesse 6/4/19 & 👶🏻 Jameson 3/11/22

So yesterday, we went to a public park to let Jesse run around on the playground and take a walk on the nature trail. The playground was pretty dead but there were about 5 other kids playing- 3 of them a group of girls around Jesses age. I usually let Jesse socialize on his own and he’s timid, but he will run up to kids and want to play with them. After Jesse ran up to the group of girls , I overheard a pair of moms who were taking say “ugh, where did they come from?” It gave me an uneasy feeling but I let it go because I didn’t necessarily think they were talking about us. A minute later one of the girls yelled “we don’t want you to play with us!” And she pushed Jesse. I was watching them the whole time and Jesse was only joining in/copying what they did which was playing in the dirt. I was shocked and didn’t really know what to do so I just told Jesse to come on, we’re going to go kick the soccer ball in the field. The girls mom didn’t do anything but say the young girls name in a nonchalant kind of tone…. Jesse didn’t want to leave though and he ran towards another little boy and they started playing. Another little girl in the group then kept pointing at Jesse and said “Look at that dumb boy! He’s soooo slow at running!” Honestly my blood was boiling at this point and I felt like I was going to lose it. I scooped up Jesse who was fighting me because he still wanted to stay and we left to go to another area of the regional park.

I’m just interesting in how you other moms would’ve handled this. Would you have said something? Would you have just left as well? I know he’s going to be around some not so nice kids- but when I’m witnessing it I’m not sure what the right call would’ve been. No kid deserves to be treated like that- but since Jesse doesn’t go to daycare/preschool yet I also don’t want him to think that’s a normal way you treat other kids. I feel like I should’ve said something but I was kind of shocked by the behavior happening in the moment.