Need Advice


Okay guys I really need some advice, this is gonna be long so try to stay with me if you can. So this is my first month doing bbt and opks. I have been taking Pregnitude to try to help me ovulate since this is my first cycle off birth control. I got a positive opk on CD8 (I know seems early I figured the Pregnitude was helping me ovulate early) well, according to my temping chart I don’t see any temps that show I ever truly ovulated. This morning I have a major temp drop and I started bleeding and cramping like my normal period. Now what I’m confused about is how I’m having a period when I didn’t ovulate? Could it be break through bleeding even though it’s like a full blown period? And also my temp dropped like it does when your about to start your period so if it is break through bleeding and not a true period, would that cause my temp to drop like that as well? I’m so confused and need advice on where to go from here and how to get my body ovulating. Here’s a picture of my temp chart and when I had gotten the positive opk for reference. Thanks everyone