Hormone level questions after frozen transfer!!

Hello ladies, I am in need of some reassurance/advice. We completed a 3 day frozen embryo transfer on June 8th, 6 days later on the 14th, we got our BFP home test and the next day we went for our beta which was also positive 😁😁 my estradiol level at this point was close to 800, I just had blood work done yesterday (22nd) and my estradiol had a heavy decrease down to ~80. I may have missed a couple doses of the vaginal inserts (maybe 2-3) but I am still taking the estradiol orally and vaginally 6 times a day. I've heard low estradiol causes miscarriages and I am scared. How can I increase my estradiol naturally? Also, my HCG more than doubled in 48 hours from 481 to 984 😁 hoping this is still the good sign I need.