TMI picture! Emergency csection

Selena • 25 ♋️ Married 💍 with 3 beautiful babies. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦💘

So on 6/18 I had my daughter via emergency csection because when they checked me at 10 cm she was coming face first and not the top of her head first. So Dr could feel her eyes, nose and mouth. Good thing the epidural worked because she went in and tried to turn her head but it wasn’t happening. So she told me I needed to get her out now, I tried but I was too numb to get her out as quick as they needed me to. So I was rushed for an emergency c-section. Now this picture is from 6/22 I felt my 🐱 hard and bumpy but no pain and asked my husband to take a picture, this worried the hell out of me as we went to have it looked at and was told by an OBGYN and this is normal. Today it looks the same, has this happened to anyone? If so, how long did it stay bumpy and hard?