anyone else struggling? 💔


my baby is almost 6 weeks old and i feel like my partner is just a part time parent. he's back to work (2-10pm) which i understand but he is no help. no help during the night and after work, i feel like he'd rather relax than spend time with our daughter or even me for that matter. he doesn't wanna feed her & i feel like he only holds her for maybe a half hour. if i say something, i get told that he needs time to relax after work. it really sucks because in the hospital and first few days home, he was incredible. now i feel like i'm non-existent and our daughter isn't important. it breaks my heart. this little girl is my whole world, and it's a full time job taking care of her, breastfeeding and pumping. i don't complain, i'm happy and so blessed to be her mama. it just hurts me that she isn't a priority to him and i feel like i disappeared from his importance too. sorry, i'm just venting, i feel so alone. 💔