
I had my doctors appointment yesterday and was told by the way my symptoms sound and how long they have been going on sounds like obvious preeclampsia so they took my urine and blood to see if I do have it or not

I told them my kidney and liver function has been horrible from what the hospital says I also have protein in my urine and the headaches are unbearable

My other symptoms are normal pregnancy symptoms but worse I’ve been hospitalized twice for fainting and feeling very very sick to my stomach which I have hyperemesis gravidarum i stay dehydrated and can barely keep food down I weighed 180 lbs at 8 weeks pregnant and now I weigh 187 at 25 weeks pregnant I also have been more confused/forgetful than what I normally am even I’ve begun to notice

They put me high risk and bed rest

They made me an appointment for a week and I have another ultrasound appointment on in 5 days

Anybody go through this or currently going through this?