Me & boyfriend constantly argue… do I stay with?


Firstly no judgement but advice will be taken on board!

So my boyfriend kept trying to meet me for 6 months on and off until I finally did in April by the end of May I was moved in with my cats (I told him no restrictions on my cats) We would go on drives, plan nights out, coffee dates but bicker about little things and now we are arguing. We hardly ever have sex (not that we did to start with but his sex drive is low due to 🍃 but tuts even less) arguing everyday since I was on nightshift straight for 2 weeks and hardly saw him. He keeps “joking” and me being a pig or telling me to go die and tries to put it off as a joke I asked him nicely to stop and didn’t till I screamed for him to stop. He is telling me now the cats arnt allowed in the bedroom now, if they are and they’re sick then them and me are out. Constantly calls me scruffy or smelly even tho I shower every couple days and wash my clothes but I’m always “scruffy”. He’s been going out with his “brother” and was out apparently for 4hrs with him but gave me no text to let me know where he was as in if he was safe and okay after just leaving the house after I was locked out for 3hrs and didn’t want to leave his mums for 10 mins to let me in (I was unwell and got sent home early in 24° heat no shade or water) I’ve lost it today and screamed and shouted due to not feeling like I’m heard, after getting annoyed when he told me scaring my cats everyday is not abuse and is teaching them a lesson about pooping on the floor (I mean EVERY time EVERY day my oldest cat comes close he runs at her or shouts) he said he was going to go to his mums and I said go and we are done because you’re running away from the problem. I then said I want my mum and he told me he would pack my bags and take me there and I can wait til they’re awake outside. I told him that’s not what I meant and told him he’s being a boy not an adult and then he said he was tired and went to bed to sit there on his phone and tell me to sleep on the sofa.

I dunno what to do, I don’t know to leave early without him (I’m due travel to a new city in 7 weeks), go back to my parents or resolve this…

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