Chemical pregnancy loss.

I have never miscarried before, with our first it took about 18 months to get pregnant.

A week ago I had three positive tests then started getting negative, I never had a blood test to confirm but somehow I just know I was pregnant and then lost it, I believe it’s a chemical pregnancy at this stage. It’s been about a week since the last negative test and I just started bleeding.

Does bleeding after a chemical look different? I’m not sure how to explain it but there are clots of blood that look kind of like skin tissue I guess is the best way I could describe it? Do I treat it as period bleeding or log it as miscarriage? I’m just so lost and confused and honestly in shock. I know things like this are common but we are on month 12 of TTC #2 so I’m kind of devastated.

Sorry for the long post..

#GeneralTTC #CD1