My girl is here 💕


Baby Grace Sophia was born on 6/22/22 weighing 6.1 pounds and 19.6 inches long. As some of you have been following, we had our scheduled c section at 37 weeks due to complete placenta previa and suspected placenta accreta. The last 5 months my doctors had been preparing us for worst case scenarios and I’m sad to report that literally every single one played out. As soon as she was delivered they discovered that I did in fact have the accreta with 10% of placenta attached to the uterus. Once they started removing I began to lose quite a bit of blood very quickly. My husband and baby were escorted out of the room while they began transfusions and worked on controlling bleeding. This continued for about 45 minutes and I lost nearly 70% of my blood or 3.5 liters. Codes were being called and they told me they were trying to save my utters but ultimately had to make the call to do hysterectomy to save my life. After I was stable I was sent to ICU where I spent 36 hours without my little baby girl. My husband is amazing and jumped in right away as a natural giving her her first feedings and bath in the nursery.

Overall it was a horribly traumatic experience for us all but I’m glad to be alive and couldn’t be more in love with our little girl.