
Do you believe? I lost my mom 10 years ago this coming April. When she passed away, my three sisters and I lost just about everyone. I was very young at the time, and my moms husband took over custody of me. (My sisters were over 18) I remained in his care for 2 years before the government had to step in due to abuse, and thankfully I was adopted. Since then, I've always wanted to get a psychic reading, and see if maybe I could get closure. Here we are, 10yrs later, and I finally did it. Without knowing a single think about me she asked.."did your mother pass?" I instantly started sobbing. She reminded me that my mother was with me, she is VERY proud of me, and she approves of my marriage. (She explain how she knew in more detail) Those are two questions I've asked myself almost every single day. Please let me remind you this lady knew NOTHING about me. She also was able to vaguely but give details about the jewelry my mother was buried with.  She also was able to read into my relationship and tell me very real things about us, that were very true. Most importantly, she said she saw my mom holding a beautiful baby boy... I cannot stop crying. Do you believe?