Premature Ejaculation


My husband has issues with premature ejaculation. It’s not an issue for me at all, we still have a great sex life even if the penetration phase of sex is short lived. He’s very insecure about it, and doesn’t even like talking about it. I did some research on it, and sent him an article about it with suggestions to help. The only reason for me wanting to help him, and the only issue is that he can be frustrated with having short orgasms. I have long and very intense orgasms, and he seems to not get very much pleasure out of his. He says that’s the way it is for all men. And I’m just not convinced that’s the case. He’s not my first partner, and a lot of men I’ve been with seemed to have intense and satisfying orgasms. I’m sad he feels that way, and want him to experience a lot of pleasure and satisfaction in our love life. How can I get him to open up about it? Anyone else’s husband struggle? Any tips? I just want him to feel good, and love having sex with me as much as I love and enjoy it with him. Ty!!