

Ok, I’m going to try to explain 😭

I conceived may 4th, likely ovulated around the 6th or 7th.

On the 16th of may I had what I thought was a normal period. It only lasted 2 days, (had normal clots) so I thought I was out this month. On the 22nd of may I had a small brown spot, so I figured wth I’ll text. Sure enough BFP.

Went to Ob on the 8th of June, and there was no gestational sac, my hcg level was a little over 3000.

On the 9th I tested again and it was a total dye stealer. But my ob never said anything about no sac except “you typically see a sac with that level of hcg” so for the last few weeks I’ve been worried sick because I know nothing. 🥺😭 anyone have any idea what’s going on? Am I too early to see anything? Sorry this is so long 😭