My First Baby 🥰🥰


I have been with my boyfriend for 5 years now and didn't think we could get pregnant. We were FINALLY blessed with a little one (just found out it is a girl) and couldn't be happier! I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in May of 2021 so it has been an interesting year. I had to go off my medication because of the baby and although I am in remission due to pregnancy, I still have flare ups where I loose my vision.. That was my first symptom that lead to my diagnosis and I had to get steriod infusions to gain it back. It is very scary for me because I want to be able to SEE my beautiful baby girl! My neurologist is glad I have made it this far and I CAN'T wait to hold my little baby girl. 🥺💟 Good luck and congratulations to all you mama's out there!! 🙏