What would you do?

I’ve been seeing this guy I have history with and lately he’s been hot/cold he’d call me text me and then drop off like nothing. When Id bring it up he’d tell me how we’re in this toxic cycle and that I have expectations like I create negative energy. So I backed off but this week he’s been chill and asking me if I wanted to do something for my birthday with him cause he wanted to take me to this place he thinks I’ll like. I was excited to go and he spent the weekend with me then went home Sunday cause he had work. So today this girl I thought he was talking to that he denied he was posts a picture she took in his room before I told him about the pic I asked him if anyone had been over at his house and he said no and didn’t know what I was talking about. I told him about the picture and he changed his story saying they had just hung out like nothing happened which i obviously don’t believe. Then an hour later she took down the photo. Now he’s asking me if I still want to do something for my birthday with him but for my own self-respect Im leaning towards a no thanks, I’m good. Is that an overreaction or a pretty legit response?