Baby is finally here!


I was 40 +4 and so ready! I had an appointment to get induced at 40 +5 but got a membrane sweep two days before which did the trick! Just a few hours later at home my water broke! Had baby girl the next day. :)

So crazy how different pregnancies can be, my first I ended up getting preeclampsia and had to have an emergency c-section at 28 weeks. My son was 2lb 8oz and in the NICU for 53 days. He’s 10 now and so excited to be a big brother. 🥳

I ended up having to get a c-section with this one as well but only after laboring all night and realizing that she was just to big and I was too small. Go figure, me, having a baby too big and overdue!

Anyway that’s my story, happy to be on this end of pregnancy! 😜