A friendly reminder


To make sure you're performing your monthly routine, breast self-exam ❤️ I found a lump in my breast while lying in bed a month or so ago. I just went to my appointment earlier today for it to be examined by my midwife. She's scheduling me to get an ultrasound on it next week. The lump isn't painful, and luckily it's more than likely cystic as it's not super hard. It's rubbery and moves around when touching it, which isn't normally the type of lump associated with cancer.

I'm relieved for sure, but I'm eager to get the ultrasound done to be 100% certain that it is in fact just a cyst. If it's not, I'll have to get a biopsy. My grandma discovered two lumps in her breast at about my age and in the same breast. Thankfully they both turned out to be benign. I hope mine is too. I'm trying not to worry, but it's been hard not to think about it.