July baby turned to June baby

Maria • Mommy to Angelina and my little angels 👼 👼 our 🌈 Giovanna, and Nicholas

Posting 2 weeks later but my little buddy decided to come 4 weeks early. Went in for a routine ultrasound at 36 weeks that showed low amniotic fluid levels and was sent to the hospital for induction. I was induced and 1230pm and had him at 822pm. Not exactly the Labor and delivery I planned on but all went smoothly and he was out in 4 pushes. He was pretty big for being 4 weeks early and he was healthy so he didn’t have to go to the NICU. We are all so in love and our family is now complete 💕

Nicholas Raymond Zaccari

6/15/2022 @822pm

6lbs 4ozs 19in long