Jealous dog

Maranda • TTC w/ IBD & Fibromyalgia
When I met my husband he already owned Brownie. He was misbehaved but he never seriously injured someone. Since we have been TTC we have been BD all the time and Brownie doesn't like it. I didn't know how upset and jealous he actually was until one day after BD we let him in the bed to cuddle since we were going to sleep and he bite my breast. He missed the nipple by about an inch if he had made contact with the nipple I wouldn't have one anymore. He grabbed on and he shook his head. I have 2 puncture wounds with 1 inch tears. It's considered a level 4 bite, it's bad. My mom is a nurse and I know how to clean out wounds and bandage them properly so luckily I avoided the embarrassing trip to the ER or my doctors office and it is healing nicely although it looks very nasty. As you can probably tell from what you have read this isn't okay and the behavior that lead to this needs to be corrected that includes my husband's behavior and how he treats his dog. Unfortunately my husband cannot handle not giving the dog everything he wants. He is trying very hard but when retraining a dog you cannot falter. He keeps faltering, giving him attention when he cries, giving him too much food, letting the dog run around and rip up my mother's house (we're house sitting). At this point no matter how much I love my husband I cannot have this dog in my house if my husband will not fully commit to the training program. I am seriously considering kicking the dog out even if that means my husband leaves too. I just can't stay with someone who is going to value the dogs life so above mine that he would leave me if the dog kept abusing me and I kicked the dog out. We were TTC and if we have kids the severity of the bite I endured would kill a child so I cannot bend on this I have to stay strong no matter how much he wants me to cut him slack I can't on this one. This is a matter of safety. I am so frustrated.