Childhood sexual abuse?

i've been wondering what to do about

something that happened in my early

childhood and wanted some advice as to if

this is sexual abuse or not?

it started when i was 4 years old a family

freinds son used to take me to his bedroom

and make me touch his penis and tell me to

lick it and put it in my mouth, as far as i'm

aware he didn't touch me but i can't be 100%

sure on that as i might've been to young to

remember, i was 4 and he was 10 years older

than me so he was 14 when it started and it

carried on for a while after that up untill he

was 16 and i was 6, he used to tell me i

wasn't aloud to tell anyone because i would

get in serious trouble as what i done was

really bad and i was scared so i didn't tell

anyone, i'm 25 now and it's still affects me

after all these years, was i sexually assaulted

or does that not count because i was the one

who touched him? any advice is welcome thankyou