Surprise Twins ?!?! Calling all moms of twins‼️🚨🗣

HCG at 4w2d was 209; 4w5d was 338; 5w1d jumped to 3,900 and I am 6w5d today. Due date is set now for 2/23/2023. Hcg struggled a little at first and I went for my ultrasound this morning. Baby’s heartbeat is 121, seen not heard. I also have a cyst they will check in a few weeks from right side ovulation but nothing they seemed concerned with.

So then I asked… “what’s that flicker there.. is that only one heartbeat or ?!” cause I swear I saw another little flicker to the right behind the other. The technician and nurse practitioner in the room looked and said they wouldn’t rule it out after trying to peak around. I go back in a couple weeks for another ultrasound but I was wondering how common this could be? Has anyone went early and one baby was assumed and went back later and there was 2!!? 🤯🤔🫣

Note- They thought by LMP I would be 7w2d but I was slightly irregular that month from traveling and such so just a few days difference.