First ultrasound 😞


Earlier this week I went for my 1st ultrasound (estimated 7w 5d based on LMP). I had a transvaginal ultrasound and was measuring 6w 4d. There was a gestational sac and yolk sac, but no fetal pole. I return for another ultrasound in 1 week to see if there has been any progress. I have a history of a tilted uterus in my first pregnancy, but there were no difficulties seeing the baby during that pregnancy. 

I'm just wondering how worried I should be. I have been an emotional mess and want to be hopeful, but I don't want to be so hopeful that I feel heartbroken all over again. 

I was <a href="">tracking ovulation</a> and had regular 28 day cycles. I'm fearful it will be bad news 😔