Happy Birthday Sweet Boy!!💙 Ending Confessional


I'm sooo late, but my July baby turned June baby is now 1!! His birthday was June 26th and I am still in disbelief! I feel like I just brought him home from the hospital! Still currently breastfeeding as he doesn't seem like he's giving that up anytime soon, 😆 and he is not walking! He loves to stand and will even jump/ climb and take a step...... but no to the walking lol! I love his life and so glad the party is over! Just a little confession, I wanted to share that this app helped me so much while I was in the process of conceiving this angel, and my whole pregnancy. Once I had him, would come on and off the app, but found I stayed off because I secretly wanted to be pregnant again and I became a little envious that I can't afford to have another baby. Not just financially, but mentally, physically, or emotionally. This year has been so rewarding, eye opening, and full of clarity. I am grateful for the 2 children I have been blessed with. To anyone who has went through this, be kind to yourself. Closing the door on having more children doesn't make me less of a mom and I had to understand that. Celebrating others in their journey can be just as rewarding!! ❤