Pics for Details. -Finally ! I have never been so happy to actually see AF while TTC.


Long story sort of short. Yesterday was CYCLE DAY 90 ! I am sure some of you have seen my annoying posts about how my body has been driving me a little crazy lately. Well I can officially say today is now CYCLE DAY 1 ! I have never been more excited about AF but these cramps are no joke and I usually don’t get cramps to bad. But anyways here we are ladies I have finally made it to CD 1 after all of the tests and craziness. Thank you to everyone that has commented and helped keep me sane. Your greatly appreciated ✨✨✨✨✨

Here’s to a new cycle 💚

(Pictures for a better story)

Here is my calendar, last AF was 04/16-04/22

Finally ovulated (confirmed with OpKs and EWCM)

This is when I finally got my PEAK

And tested every day since April with OPKS and then as soon as I could in April til Yesterday with HCG s obviously ALL NEGATIVE.

I seen my Dr. in the middle of June and she said let’s wait 6 months your healthy she did no ultrasound no labs/blood work nothing just said let’s wait 6 months I said ok. But really that felt insane. I had already scheduled another appointment for this following week and it would have been a month after seen my last OB .

But thankfully I can cancel my appointment for next week and I can finally see a light at the end of this tunnel of confusion I was starting to feel like I was somehow “broken” I know I hate that term or even thinking like that because we all struggle in so many ways but I am beyond greatful.

Like I said never been so happy to see AF while TTC

Baby Dust to all of you.

Any cycle buddies?