Period 2 days late and negative pregnancy tests


I had sex during my fertile window/ very near ovulation by accident not trying to get pregnant at all. I’m 15dpo according to <a href="">eve</a>, my period changed last month from the 3rd to the 14th😳 so my new start date was July 14. It’s now July 16th 2022 and still no period, I’ve been taking pregnancy tests because I’ve been feeling weird and crampy in my left lower abdomen and left lower back which is not normally where i feel period cramps coming on but they tests been negative. Not sure if I’m overthinking things and worrying for no reason, not to mention this is my first experience with a man so I’m not sure how to go about this. I need some help or advice😩🙏🏽

Wednesday 7/13/22 about 5 mins after

Thought was a faint positive freaked me out

Wednesday 7/13/22 same test at 4am

Thought was a faint positive which freaked me out

Thursday 7/14/22 *missed period day*


Fridays 7/15/22 *1 day late*
