13 Weeks ! Second Trimester !!

Melissa • 🌈 Baby Girl 01/16/23 🌈 Baby Boy 10/06/24 Angel Momma x👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻

This is the furthest that I’ve ever gotten into a pregnancy, I’m so happy and the ultrasound tech said that everything looked amazing !

Here’s to my second trimester ❣️

Heartbeat of 165, & baby was wriggling around the entire time, must have been having a fricken rave in there.

We get the gender on Friday and we are doing the gender reveal on Sunday !

Any gender guesses ?

I know about the whole heart rate theory but I’m not really a believer in that, and I’m hoping for a boy anyways lol- but I’d be happy with any gender as long as baby is healthy :)