Difference between reserves and active duty?


Hello, my husband is thinking seriously about joining the military. We have a 9 month old. He wouldn’t enlist until she’s about 3. Anyway, we are looking into different options and before this we have been wanting to move out of state (we live in expensive California). He loves being home with our daughter and myself so he first thought of jointing the reserves so that he can spend most of his time at home unless he gets deployed. We’ve heard people say that reserve soldiers get deployed more than active duty soldiers because the military wants to keep active duty members where they are (like on base and what not) so they will deploy reserves instead. Anyway, we also understand and accept that either way, he’ll most likely be deployed sometime in his 4 years of service.

So my other question is, with active duty military, do they station you where ever they want/need you? Do you get a say in where you would like to be stationed? (I know you get a job, but it’s not always the one you wanted). Does the military help with moving expenses? Do you have to/get to move of you’re a reserve soldier or do you live where you currently live and deploy when they need you?