Help advice please. Family issues.

I need ears/advice and just help out of this slump. My husband and I are expecting our second child which puts us at two girls. My sister in law (husbands brother's wife) is pregnant as well and just revealed they are having their second which puts them at one boy and one girl. Now please understand in my explaining myself I am by no means less happy or am I trying to take away from their excitement. I sat through their gender reveal almost in tears listening to my in laws high five and talk about how excited they were for a boy and telling them "well you did something right" or "one of each is the perfect situation" or "now you can be done". Or "for (our sons) sake we are so glad it's a boy, girls are too much" We announced our gender about a month ago and got reactions like "gahhhh another girl." Or "well just going to have to try again"....i think if I was holding my sweet girl I wouldn't have been phased by these comments and reactions but being pregnant and emotional andddd having just announced it was hard putting reactions side to side. I just am feeling super down and like this girl is already less celebrated because she's a girl. 😞