Early ovulation


Hi guys I’m super confused and need some insight.

I have regular cycles 28/29 days and they last about 3 days and two days spotting. I normally don’t test positive on opk til cycle day 11 and typically ovulate next day cycle day 12. My period started last week on the 14th heavy til about the 16th and spotted on the 17th and 18th. I baby danced on the 18th (Monday)as my period I was still tampering off . I normally wait about a day then start testing. From cycle day 7 and on. I’ve been a lil crampy probably from stress. But definitely sore heavy boobs. I tested with opk yesterday cycle day 8 my test was light. I tested this morning and it was very light. And took my temp as well and then I tested at 6pm and the test was darker and for some reason idk why I tested again at 10 pm and it was even darker. I know my hormones may be out of wack due to some stress but is it possible that I will ovulate tomorrow and have a chance for pregnancy having sex 5 days before ovulation. I know sperm can stay in the body for 5 days. I’ve never got a positive this soon (cycle day9) and it feels super weird because my 6pm and 10pm urine was super clear.