Quick Life Update


I can’t believe I’m officially 30 weeks pregnant with my little men. It feels like just a month ago that I had miscarried & just like yesterday I got pregnant. This pregnancy has flown by. I’ve been blessed that I’m still roughly at pre pregnancy weight, maybe a little more, but no crazy weight gain.

We had our first shower this weekend and we also finally found a minivan. I swore I’d never drive one but I fell in love with all the storage, especially with twins coming. We needed the van especially with have a fur baby who’s 51lbs, & (about to be) 3 kiddos.

Now that we’ve got the van, I feel like if the boys came now it wouldn’t be the end of the world. Everything else we “need” isn’t major stuff. So we just have our last shower and to wait keep these babies cooking as long as possible.

Thank you for all who have been keeping up with us & sending prayers, thoughts, well wishes, etc!