Depo Vera help.

Rachel • Without sadness you wouldn't know what it means to be happy.
So I've been on the Depo for 4 years. Had no problems whilst on it, no side effects and has completely cancelled my periods which is great because I suffered badly with them. Me and my partner have discussed children and would like to start trying some point in the new year but don't neccesarily want to 'try', we just want it to happen. I've also asked him if I should come off of the depo and go onto the pill to get my periods back, he said not yet as he isn't quite ready. I've explained that with the depo it can take up to a year to become fertile again. I was also a late starter with periods (16) as I got anorexia and messed my body up a little. His worry is that if I don't have my jab next month that I could become fertile straight away. Any suggestions on how to go about this ladies? Any experience? Anything you would do? He's definitely ready but not if I get pregnant next month ready if that makes sense?