When to call the ob


Sorry if its long..So to give background story, I'm 18 weeks today. And for the past week I've been having pain on the left side of my stomach, almost above my hip. At first I thought it was trapped gas, however it's been a few days. I know what round ligament pain is and its not this. It kind of feels like a bubble but it's hard to explain. I notice it more if I lift left leg (like to get on the bed). I was thinking it could be a uti, but I haven't had more frequent urination, and I don't have pain or burning when I pee. My mother in law thinks its my muscles stretching. And unfortunately I go camping for 5 days this weekend and won't be able to go in until next week. However everytime I have a concern they won't just give me an answer or anything I have to come in for an appointment to talk to my doctor for 3 mins lol. I just feel like I'm just wasting time. So if you made it this far thank you. I'm just trying to figure out what to do.