Constant Low Blood Pressure . Help!


This is my first pregnancy and I am 17 weeks with one baby boy.

I’ve had no complications up until these past 2 weeks were I was admitted to the ER multiple times for dehydration, dizzy spells, needing to faint, feeling fatigued, breathlessness, and low blood pressure. For some reason my blood pressure won’t rise. We’ve already gone over my diet and hydration intake. It’s fine. I even take Pedialyte and IV hydration packets to help get electrolytes and it’s helped a ton but we can’t seem to figure out what’s causing the low blood pressure or help it raise it entirely.

So far they have told me that I’m slightly anemic and to take more iron (I already have some in my daily prenatals but I’m eating iron rich foods now and taking iron supplements ). They said that it’s normal to have low blood pressure because baby is doubling in size and taking all nutrients from my body into his so he can grow, but I shouldn’t be feeling all these symptoms or having super low blood pressure constantly. They did a CT scan to rule our heart, lung , or blood clots and everything was 100% normal.

Has any ever experienced this too? Know what else it could be? Any experienced mamas or doctors / nurses/ OBGYN’s to give advice ?

Baby is fine by the way!