Major accomplishment

Jessica • 2nd baby pregnancy! ❤️
When my firstborn arrived almost 2 years ago, I had just begun my masters degree. It's required to continue in my field of work. I figured with all the extra time off and doing summer courses, I could bang that degree out in a year and a half, tops. Well, those of you who have kids know how dumb I was being. Those of you either kids who had a rough start in this world are straight up laughing at me right now. My son had severe eating problems for the first 9 months, and yet I found a way to take care of him? Work full time, direct a play, and take half time courses at a state university (online). It was hard. I never had any sleep at all. Then we figured out what was wrong (allergic to everything) and it seemed like staying with my masters was a good idea. He improved and is now a healthy little boy. When we family planned, we decided it would be best if I finished my degree before kid 2. Well I'm preg with kid 2 now so I double times my courses to get done in a year and a half as originally planned. That would have been great if it wasn't for the hyperemesis. I've been SO sick and taking care of a toddler and trying to (and failing) to work full time too. I've finally been pulled off my ivs and guess what? I graduated. Gpa of 3.85 in spite of it all. But it means nothing to anyone but me, so now I'm sobbing  in the rocking chair and no one gets it. My hubby said congrats but that's about it. 😭